
Intentional gaining philosophies

Can you think of any more? Which one are you?

1. Careful planner -- you decide on how much you want to gain, gain that much and stop.

2. Stage by stage -- you gain a certain amount and then re-evaluate, possibly stopping, possibly gaining more.

3. Letting go -- you focus on eating all you want and gaining all you want don't think much about weight limits unless it becomes an issue.

4. Max -- you try to get as big as possible.
5 years

Intentional gaining philosophies

5 years

Intentional gaining philosophies

5) Yo-yo. You gain up to a certain size, then lose some weight and gain it back again ( distinct from yoyo dieting in that the gain is deliberate, and the loss is intended to be temporary).
5 years

Intentional gaining philosophies

I'm in between 1 and 2.

On my third gaining spurt, sort of. Before, I wanted to be 135ish, then I wanted to be 145. But now I want to be 150.

I have noticed that each time, I've oddly felt somewhat less trepidation and "might I enjoy this?" as I gained slightly more, while the voice telling me that I shouldn't be doing this is slightly fainter.

At the same time, I get more cravings for triple burgers, candy, and (half & half + cream, been more cream lately).

I really doubt I'll ever get to stage 3, but who knows? I didn't expect that I would like to weigh a few more pounds.
5 years

Intentional gaining philosophies

Between 1 & 2. I’ve “ratcheted” up over the past few years.

I remember when my belly was around 42-43”, my pants were size 40, I weighed 210 lbs.

People asked what size I was aiming for. I’d say oh maybe 220-230, 46-48” belly. They’d say oh you’ll look so hot bigger! Nah, I’d say.

Then I got to be 220, then 230, 48” belly, 42 waist pants. Hey this isn’t that big.

Then 235, 44 waist pants, 50” belly. Now 240, 44 pants, 52” belly. Goal I’ll probably stop at and maintain for a while... 245-250, 53-54” belly, maybe 46 pants, or snug 44s. Oh yeah, and I’m 5’6”.
5 years

Intentional gaining philosophies

Option number three. But I'm starting to think about it a bit.
the number three is a lucky number; smiley
5 years

Intentional gaining philosophies

Three for sure. Gaining is just the result of me enjoying eating way too much. 😁
5 years

Intentional gaining philosophies

I propose a "3.5"

I start off at a 3 and the first time something doesn't fit, I become a scared 1. Gaining too quickly can be scary. But also a HUGE turn on. I get torn if that makes sense.
5 years

Intentional gaining philosophies

I have become number three
4 years

Intentional gaining philosophies

I'm a Number 2. I hit a spot and try to maintain that weight. Then I start to gain to the next threshold. I've gone from 215 lbs. to 220 lbs. and now trying to maintain 225 lbs. Having trouble keeping my weight at 225 lbs. Next stage/level will be back up to 230 lbs.
4 years
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